fashion-411 product review
Monet Cole, Fashion Editor

Hanesbrands, Inc. -

Until you've worn a good bra, you really don't know what you're missing!  Our staff is now spoiled by the products as Hanesbrands, Inc.  While I tried the Bali minimizer and was amazed at how much smaller my bust appeared in my new bra, my enthusiasm was outweighed by the the sheer joy and love formed between my assistant and her new Wonderbra!!  

The Wonderbra with gel push-ups is not only a seamless beauty under any close fitting shirt, but it's sooooo comfortable.  The name is most appropriate as this little wonder provides great cleavage and such a flawless finish, you look and feel like you've been blessed by gravity to be able to go braless :-)

For shapewear, I tried the Bali Firm Control all-in-one that is actually sexy enough to sport as lingerie.  But don't let the beauty fool you, it's strong enough to pull in those holiday tummies like none other I've tried.  

Remember that your undergarments can make or break your outfit.  They are the ultimate accessory.  Check out for a large assortment of high quality undies today!! You will not be disappointed!!